This is amazing energy work and is truly transformational.
Rapid Energy release with Silent Counselling works on the energy points and meridians.
It uses muscle testing, pressure points and breath work to identify and release blocked emotions.
Energy flow is so important for maintaining our wellbeing.
Qi or Chi is our life force energy.
By clearing stagnant emotions/energy, we can bring back homeostasis or balance into our bodies.
When there is an energy block we have dis-ease within the body. This can be on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level
Silent Counselling enables you to release ‘negative’ emotions without the need to talk about past events. It works by using your body's energy system to identify and clear negative blocked emotions.
These blocked emotions can hold us back in life, preventing us from moving on to where we want to be.
We can identify where we have stuck emotions in our body and where they originate from.
They may come from past lives, from a cellular level, generational or ancestral levels. There could be blocks from being in the womb, from birth, from childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. It could be that something in the present life situation is causing a block.
Past event situations such as trauma can stay within the body and affect our health – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
Many situations can affect our wellbeing. It may have been the way we were spoken to or treated by someone when we were a child or adult.
Work situations and relationships may have caused emotional pain, hurt and anxiety.
There are many emotions that can be harmful to our whole being.
Many blocked emotions may be triggered by present life situations
We may have fears, grief/loss, chronic pain, lack of motivation/direction in life, difficulty in letting go, control issues, guilt, resentment, and frustration, to name but a few.
We are able, together, to identify what emotions are stuck and where they are stored in the body. We can then help to safely release them.
This is a very powerful session, and the benefits can be felt immediately or within 24 hours.
Many clients feel immediately 'lighter'.
I will guide you through this amazing process.
Our session will begin with identifying your presenting issue.
It may be pain, anxiety, fears, phobias, trauma, depression, panic attacks or feeling stuck. It can be anything that you feel may be holding you back from living your full life potential.
Rapid Energy release with Silent counselling gives you an option to talk about the situation if you wish or you can decide not to talk. The outcome will be just as powerful if you feel you don’t want to talk.
We will also identify if you are in 'polarity' or 'in the flow'. I use a process called muscle testing which taps into your subconscious mind and allows you to answer questions about your wellbeing.
Sometimes we may not be 'in the flow' when a session begins but a few simple steps can help to rectify that.
We will then check to see if any toxins are in the body and if so, I will show you a quick process to remove them.
We then go through a process of identifying where the root cause reason of the presenting issue came from (by muscle testing) and from here we identify where in the body you need to release the emotion from.
I will guide you through the releasing of identified blocked emotions through breath work and energy touch points.
There is usually an immediate release, depending on what emotions are being released.
A chakra balance may be required, bringing the body back into balance after the rapid energy release work.
There is a grounding process at the end of the session and many clients leave feeling a lot lighter, having released so many blocked emotions.
It is incredible to know that we are clearing so much in these present times, not only for ourselves but ancestral and past life healing also.
This incredible healing modality has brought together all the other energy healing work that I offer.
Rapid Energy release with Silent Counselling also gives us freedom to be who we are here to be, without holding onto past redundant emotions that no longer serve us.
It is truly healing giving you the freedom to move forward in life, living a happy, fulfilled life.